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SPR Unknown Case Contest

Welcome to the unknown case contest page!  We display the current unknown case for approximately two weeks, and accept answers during that time period. Please submit only one answer per case.  At the end of the year, the individual with the most correct answers will be honored with a prize (trainees will be judged separately from attendings).  If you would like to submit an unknown case for consideration to be displayed in the future, please go to this online form and follow the instructions.  All SPR members receive an email when the new case is released.  Not an SPR member but interested in participating in the contest?  Join the list here.


Unknown Case Team: Paul Clark, DO, Assistant Editor - Unknown Cases | Ed Richer, MD, Assistant Editor - Unknown Cases | Kiery Braithwaite, MD, Web Editor

Unknown Case Contest: Correct respondents from the previous case 

Interested in Submitting a Case?: Submit an unknown case for consideration | Unknown case submission guidelines 

Previous Cases: List of previously published contest cases | Unknown case archives: view the cases

2021-2022 Competition Winners: 

  • Trainees: Dr. Kara Alexander, Dr. Siddhi Chawla, & Dr. Sota Masuoka
  • Attendings: Dr. Subramanian Subramanian & Dr. Joan Zawin

Unknown Case #306

Previously Published Contest Cases

Peruse the list below, then view the previous cases here.