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SPR Unknown Case Contest: Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the SPR Unknown Case Contest.


Unknown Case Submission Guidelines:

  • Please review the unknown case contest website, both to get a flavor of the kinds of cases/write-ups we accept and also to check if your diagnosis has already been published (Previously published contest cases).

  • Diagnoses previously published by the contest are less likely to be accepted in order to keep content fresh. 

    • Exceptions may include repeat diagnoses with novel presentation and/or imaging findings/modalities. 

    • Exceptionally educational cases that are otherwise similar to previously published examples from at least one year prior will also be considered.

  • Our audience is varied, however typically consists of pediatric radiologists and SPR members (in-training, as well as those in-practice). Therefore, cases should both challenge the audience, but be “get-able”. Ultra-rare entities or minutia of a common entity are not suitable for the contest.

  • There is no limit to the number of cases you can submit, nor to the number of cases you can have accepted/published.

  • There is no copyright/ownership claim by the SPR of your case; the SPR assumes you have rights to the material and that the authors have submitted it to the SPR in good faith.

  • Typically there are 1 or 2 authors per case; on occasion we accept cases with 3 authors max. We ask that only authors who have meaningfully contributed to the case be listed.

  • Brevity is valued.

  • Ultimately the decision to accept, accept with suggested revisions, or reject a submitted case is up to the SPR unknown case contest editors.

  • Published contest cases noting authorship are prominently displayed on SPR website. SPR members are alerted by email and social media at the time of unknown case publication.


Click here to submit a case.


The online submission form walks you through the various sections of each case. Please refer to the submission site for details.


The most important section concerns PHI/HIPAA-compliance and image file naming.

  • All case images/movies must be completely HIPAA-compliant, regardless of modality.

  • Secondly, naming the image files must be done with numbers only (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). Do not put anything other than numbers in the file names. Examples of how not to name your files: Ewings1, CDH3, Discoid5, MRIeasyanswer13, CTofBuzz’sBrainTumor7, etc.


Thank you,

SPR Website Committee